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A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing my game! I got a big kick out of watching you play though I have to say you breezed through it more easily than most. You must have a strong brain 💪🧠

Oh no, I didn't mean your in-character cigarette rating. Early in the video you mentioned one of the three-star reviews in the game being too low.

I did see your actual five-star rating on the game and I appreciate it very much.

Thank you for playing! I very much enjoyed watching the video. I might make a tweak to that three star rating.

Good job!

Thanks for spotting the typo!

You will be happy to know that the arsonist news report will be available in the paid DLC

(2 edits)

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Touching! 😍

Can I commission a fuzzy chainsaw sweater?

very well deserved!

Thanks a lot! The spy/disguise confusion is the most common but it’s surprising which other pairs cause confusion for different people. 

Thanks a lot! I hope you manage to de-spanner your brain. 

Thanks Ceph!

That was magnificent. I enjoyed the video tremendously. Thanks so much for playing and sharing your experience. Bravo for finishing the game.

You discovered a bug I didn't find during testing that caused the "intelligence bar" to render incorrectly and also made extra stars appear, so it looked like you were finished when you were not. I'm going to go away and fix that now - thanks for finding it.

Yesterday I uploaded a new version that replaces the final five missions with (probably) easier ones but with a new game mechanic that I think you would love, if you ever recover enough to play it again.

Thanks a lot!


Appreciated! Thanks holophysics

(1 edit)

This game has an astonishing level of quality for a jam submission. You're spoiling us with multiple mini-games, incredible artwork, atmosphere, a charming storyline and characteristic polish. In my opinion, you have a solid foundation for a commercial game here. That's what I came here to say and I could stop now because you've ticked all the boxes. 

There are a few small and common niggles that other people have mentioned. I'll only repeat one of those: I would like the pace to be snappier. If you were to make this into a commercial game, I would love to see your characters in a more involved storyline and some deeper gameplay. For what it is now, I find it extremely impressive. Bravo to you both three!.

Nice graphics, cute theme, good music, challenging gameplay :D

I had some difficulty consistently controlling the character to get it to land where I wanted it to go but I think that's more of a me thing than a you thing. I would be interested to see some more levels with, maybe a shallower difficulty curve and a longer timer.

This is a bit of a gem. Like all your games, it has a great level of polish for a jam game. I adored the use of poetry, the impish sense of humour and the general mood that comes from the great mixture of graphics, animation, text and music. The only thing I was really aching for in this game was snappier movement, though it would be great to see it expanded with bigger, more explorable dungeons and a few extra surprises in wait.

Nice job! Although there's not much challenge left after the first exit, I could see this being expanded into something compelling and addictive. I'd also like to know more about this sentient box universe!

I absolutely loved this game. Like Drombies, I enjoyed the way you made a bigger game by sequencing microgames, instead of just mashing them together warioware style. The graphics and animation are superb, you deserve a trophy. The only things it's missing are a soundtrack and more levels, then it will be the best football game I've played.

Even better: “Akzidenz is a steely-eyed missile man”

Hi! The game name is not trademarked and you may use it with my blessing. In return, I will ask that you include the words “Moon Base Akzidenz” somewhere in your game. Good deal?

(1 edit)

Mission complete!

Great start. It looks tremendous and sounds good too. I would love to see this continued and made into a complete game.

Thanks! I'm glad you liked what you played!

Thanks! Yes, the number of instructions per mission is difficult to judge. Some people have found the last levels to be too long while some others breezed through them. Ideally, in a non-jam world, there would be more and different kinds of levels so there would be less need for a big final challenge to also be a _long_ final challenge.


This game has a lot more depth than I'm used to seeing in game jams and I feel like this is the kind of game that will pull in and retain specific audiences if you continue to build on it. Some more hand-holding over decisions would be nice if it can be done without forcing a lot of reading onto the player. I have to say that some of the polish elements (transitions and small animations) really worked for me.

I admire the simplicity in this and I'm wondering what could be built upon it to expand the experience without taking that away. Maybe some cryptic clue, like a glyph in an alien language could tell you which direction to push in, so once you figure it out, the gameplay becomes faster? Maybe you have to do something else to make the arrow appear? Maybe more white squares appear and you have to join them in a row to push them all off the screen at the same time? Do you already have something planned?

There's a lot of charm in this and I really enjoyed the experience. There's some scope for improvement, which I think you're aware of but what you have is working together well in terms of the basic gameplay and mood. It also made me laugh when I got caught and that has to count for something.

This scratches an Asteroids itch and I like the open-universe approach. There's a little depth in predicting where and when the next enemy is going to pop on the screen and pushing away from the enemies so you can go back and approach them all from the same direction. I might suggest a little faster rotation speed for when enemies pop up behind you and knock you out before your ship can face them (or maybe that's just because I'm not moving around enough. Would love to see a non-endless version - maybe with waves of enemies?

Obviously, this is not as finished as you would have liked but I see some promise in here. Most importantly, I would like to have some kind of pat on the back for finding the kitten, then I would like to know a little more about the robot/kitten relationship and what led up to this stressful situation. Looking forward to seeing how this develops.

Thanks Mike!

Thank you Kayla! I most certainly will. 

Thanks! (It gets less relaxing later :D )

I have a hint for you, don't tell anyone. We're safe because this is 6 comments deep.

All of the levels can be solved with no more than 3 clicks each.

I think there's a glitch that can cause very rare crashes on the web if sounds are replayed very quickly. I'll take a look into it, there may be a fix available And thanks for letting me know. I owe you a $, next time I see you.

Uh oh, you break it, you bought it 🤷