tutorial text is only visible for like 0.1 seconds if you hold forwards. Every time I had to walk backwards to read the text.
"red stuff kills you" lighting makes it look black, not red. This is also a problem in some normal levels, not just the tutorial block
if you fall in the water before hitting any checkpoint, you restart the entire level. The timer does not reset to reflect this. Showcased in level 2-8
Even though I can see a checkpoint from far away, I don't know if its a "no go" checkpoint until I reach it. Its a frustrating random guess to know what checkpoint I need to go to next. I don't know why the "no go" feature is even a thing. Can't I just pick them all up in any order I please?
NVM, I notice that only the next checkpoint gets highlighted. Maybe make the icon for a checkpoint distinct from the checkpoint model? Or make inactive checkpoints much more obvious from afar
Add some screen effect and sound to death, currently it is indistinguishable from landing on a bounce pad
Checkpoint hitboxes aren't clear. Sometimes I need to jump up to collect them, sometimes I don't. I think I would prefer it if I actually touched the floating checkpoint instead of just flying near it and hoping it collects.
The right click ability is rediculously powerful and makes the game very easy. Usually in these games, the ledge grab is the a soft failure. "You made the jump, but you lose a lot of speed. Next time try to make the jump properly so you don't have to ledge grab". But in this game it seems optimal to ledge grab every time since it just adds speed. AND it lets you totally change your speed direction. The solution to every problem is right clicking. I don't like using right click often because it means I have to focus on bar management, and managing resources is lame, but I have to, because right click is just so powerful. If it was my game, I would remove right click entirely and redesign all the levels to not need it.
A partiallfy filled bar is the same color as a fully filled bar. I have to memorize the size of a bar to know if its filled.
Oh. You can't ride rails underwater.
2-6 checkpoint 4/13 sucks since checkpoints don't retain speed.
If I slam my face directly into a wall, it starts a wall run. (and you don't know if you are going left or right because all I can see is wall until I turn the screen)
If I am traveling 1000mph and decide to just barely skim across a wall, it doesn't initate a wallrun.
Suggestion: to start a wallrun, you need more tangential horizontal velocity than wall-normal velocity, AND be facing in the vague direction the wallrun goes.
I haven't been able to figure out if the rings around jump pads are rails or not
Ok beat all the levels now.
Rarely ever used the grapple, since the right click grab ability was so strong. Maybe if the grapple had a much longer range I would have used it, but since it has the same range as the right click ability, why would I ever use grapple when right click just lets me fly to where ever I want to go and its FAST.
Too many rails. Rails are boring.
It seems like wallrunning is the only ability that slows you down. Rails always lock to 35, right click goes to like 45, sliding doesn't have any friction. It happens pretty fast too, so even if I try to bounce off a wall as soon as I start wallrunning, I still go all the way down to like 22.
It would be cool if you could steer around while sliding to change directions (after right click ability is nerfed to hell / removed). Like hold W and turn mouse 90 degrees, and your velocity gets rotated 90 degrees.
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