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Did you credit all assets in-game (including your own) as required by the rules?
What "8-Bit" restrictions did you use?
Extra such as palette sprite and tile limitations
Team Size
Solo (1)
Will you continue work on the game after the jam?
How does your game apply the theme, Ancient History? (optional)
You are a pharaoh who needs to escape his tomb
Which diversifiers did you use, if any? (optional)
One Room
Cross Post
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Great work. Very enjoyable. Good luck
Wow, this game is amazing. Very polished, fun. The art is sublime! I love it!
Really fun and polished puzzle game! The visual effects and audio are really fantastic here. I found myself wishing for a little more air control when navigating the platforms, but other than that I'm really happy with how it turned out for you. Thanks for making and sharing your game!
Thank you! My platform making skills are not quite there yet sadly, the floating/controls were definitely a big issue but i'm still happy with it overall
This was cute, and a lot of fun! I did find my inner speedrunner kick in and discovered a tech that let me bypass a lot of the puzzles. But that's not to the game's detriment, far from it! Finding alternative solutions and having them work is an excellent thing for a game to have~ Be proud!
Thanks! Yeah I commented this under someone elses comment, If people want the puzzles they are there, if they don't then thats also fine!
It was to fun game and easy to grasp the concept of the game.
Thanks! I was worried the gameplay wasnt clear enough but it seems like people figured it out
Really great work. I loved your level design, the CRT shaders, and the pixel art. I don't know if I did all of the puzzles right (did some double jumping on the walls and jump-transform-move block combos), but it was fantastic overall.
Thanks so much! You clearly are a true gamer, all the levels are beatable without the wall jumps and crazy jump-transforms but we need to give the speedrunners some love, im glad you enjoyed it
Great graphics and amazing level design, I honestly enjoyed the levels, great puzzle game
Thank you!
This is a awesome little puzzle game and the art is amazing.. it feels very polished professional, and well done..
Thanks so much!