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RatGrrrl Games rated a My Own 5E RPG 314 days ago
A downloadable My Own 5E RPG.
Lyme rated a expansion 1 year ago
A downloadable expansion.

Excellent starship combat rules.

Mitchell Daily published a expansion 1 year ago
A downloadable expansion.
Ever wanted to play 5E - The Roleplaying Game in space but didn't know where to start? We've done all the intensive work for you and made 5E in the Shoehorn Galaxy! It's everything you've been looking for! The one page expansion includes ev...
MrFishy rated a warlock patron option 1 year ago
A downloadable warlock patron option.

Finally, some good fucking food 5e content. I've always wanted two immortal beings to fight over me.

Lady Tabletop published a warlock patron option 1 year ago
A downloadable warlock patron option.
A silly, untested warlock patron option. You tried to have your cake and eat it, too - two deals, two patrons, twice the power, right? Wrong. Your patrons are none too pleased to have to share you with each other, and the power you’ve bor...
KrisseAappenaTuominen published a Random Generator 1 year ago
A downloadable Random Generator.
Random tables for the RPG table For bringing random persons, monsters, critters, and magical entities to your gaming table 5E RPG Compatible Compatible with My Own 5E RPG Compatible with Pulp Kharma RPG Use this product to bring some random...
Lyme rated a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.

For people who are really into "E"

Lyme rated a My Own 5E RPG 1 year ago
A downloadable My Own 5E RPG.

It's the acid fantasy remake of 5E that I never knew I needed.

Very logical, indeed!

Lyme rated a game 1 year ago
A downloadable game.

A completely unnecessary subsystem! Players will beg to use it for the unbalanced stat bonuses while ignoring the rich, deep worldbuilding of the lore! Fear the King of the Belgians!

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