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Gameplay Instructions
Use a mouse to click on the buttons on the left side of the screen to create parts. Drag parts onto the frames to create units, drag units onto the battlefield (green area) to have them fight the enemy. Esc or p to pause the game, access options, view instructions, and quit.
What platform is your game built for?
List any content that was created before the jam that was included in the final submission.
Epic SK_Mannequin_Skeleton and Mesh
Mixamo animations (Mutant Idle/Jump Attack/Swiping, Standing 2H Cast Spell/ Idle, Sword and Shield Idle/Impact/Slash/Walk, Breakdance 1990
Used PawelM's Post Process Outline tutorial to create materials for Unit Outlines.
Acid Loops - Sword Whip, Gadget
Marketplace- Ultimate Game Music Casual Lose 1, Fanfare Win, Quest Snare 3
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I have tried to play you game, but I do not understand how I am suppose to play it.
After the instructions on the screen fade away you can pause the game (p or esc) to see them again. Basically you create units by purchasing parts by clicking the buttons on the left. The top button is the unit frame, the square, circle, and triangle are parts that you drag onto the frame to create units. You can then drag the unit onto the field to defend your shrine from the enemy. You only have 30 seconds each round to create and update your defense. Once combat starts your units attack the enemy automatically.
Anyway, thanks for trying!