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HoneyshuckleEX rated Super Platformer Gun

A downloadable game for Windows.

You are in a world where you need platforms to progress. You can place two kinds; the moving ‘cloud’ platform, and the gravity-defying ‘block’ platform. The game's premise shows promise, but there are several areas that could be improved, since as a principle, these mechanics are engaging and fun. The cloud platform can only be used by continually ‘jumping’ on it, or else you will fall. This leads to less of the platforms being a puzzle, and more of ‘if you don’t jump with perfect timing, you will need to start over’. In many early levels I just cheesed my way around using the cloud platforms whenever I could, as they were uncomfortable to use at best. The music in the first 20 levels got repetitive rather quickly, and the next several levels is a boss fight. I can’t remember how many levels of this boss I managed to get through, but most of them I cheesed over, because the intended method annoyed me too much to even consider attempting… until it became mandatory. By that point, the boss was shooting so many projectiles that lag became an issue on my timing. I was unable to complete the game.