Welcome back to week 4 of the AAA development blog posts, This week I will be going in-depth into the concept that I created for the combat UI and the Rhythm game mechanic.
Similar to the week 1 concept since most of the assets haven't been finished or created I had to use placeholder images for the characters and the world, also the UI on the bottom left of the screen was created by another member of the team and my Status bar concept ended up not being used. Moving onto the actual concept we have the different options that player will get such as attack (which uses a basic attack on the enemy) Pages (Which lets the player use a rhythm based attack on the enemy) Items (Allows the player to use healing potions and other items) and flee (Which gives the player an attempt at leaving the battle) All of these are colour coordinated to help show the player that they do different things without having to read. All these buttons are silver with a golden rim which makes it look religious and biblical due to their colours.
Once the player presses the pages button a small window will pop down to showcase a small rhythm minigame that the player must complete in order to get the highest amount of damage, the more notes you hit the more damage you do. I had to use a video that was used for inspiration by the programmers in this concept since the actual mechanic wasn't quite ready yet at the time of creating this concept.
Once the player finishes the minigame it indicates how much damage was dealt and depending on the health of the enemies they might or might not disappear.
That was everything for week 4, Thanks for reading!
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