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Download at Warp Speed: IDM – Your Accelerator for Lightning-Fast Downloads
Empowering Visual Magic: DirectX 2012 Unleashed!
Fix installation issues with ease using the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool.
A notepad app, more streamlined than Micro$oft's!
Efficiently manage disk space on Linux with mema: identify, navigate, and free up space with ease.
Add Filelogs to Nano
Roll dice, play solo RPG, and use an AI helper anywhere in your PC
A virtual tabletop to use with friends online for your ttrpgs!
Run in browser
Prepare for a fresh, reimagined experience with Cider – your favorite Apple Music client!
Password generator and antihacker software
Alternative experimental painter
Make fractal trees in JavaScript
Creates quick and tweakable water/ glitch effect using your current selection.
Quickly create in-between interpolated frames using position, scale and rotation!
Tool to help keep track when playing the card game uno
Run in browser
A Meowizer (Meowing Synthesizer)
A Discord Bot creation tool with an easy-to-use Visual Interface.
Free html5 tool for color palette swaps in games.
Run in browser
Tool for pixelart that makes drawing normal maps easy. Aseprite plugin included.
An undockable floating color palette extension for Aseprite!
Fastest and lightest program to keep track of your entire farm
A simple calendar app for PC
TikGames -Control your games by tiktok comments
Best way to track a Rabbit farm
Pro version of the NetcodeVS and Relay package
Short scale acoustic bass used in contemporary Mexican music
Will assist you in your composition by referring to the scale.
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