Heart of Darkness
Alpha Stage
Heart of Darkness is a role-playing desktop game, currently in early development stages. It tells the story of a notoriously evil mythical creature Minotaur, with aid of his mobs, attacks the land of [the hero] and kidnaps their people. The hero, simply known as the Player, is a self-contained knight who seeks neither help nor trouble for his people, discovers his wife's disappearance, and heads to look for her, with the aid of a longtime wanted robber and amateur criminal, Alexandro.
Upon the discovery of a massacre, the story takes a turning point and the journey changes radically.
The game controls are the classic WASD for movement, and mouse for aiming and attacking.
- Two players: the Knight, and Alexandro
- Multiple weapons and Special Effects
- 7 levels each with 5 checkpoints
- 8 enemy types
- 5 bosses (might be 7 in the future)
- Challenges and puzzles
- Storyline and dialogue
- Cutscenes
- approximately 1-3 hours of gameplay time (calculated from the storyline, I will update it when solid results are made.)
- many more soon to be listed
Update 0.0.1
- RPG system
- Melee attack system
- Enemies
- Screen shake and Special Effects
- other more
Update 0.0.2
- Exploding Imps
- Fixed depth issues with player and weapon
The first video of the development series, so far just an RPG system and sound/special effects.
Heart of Darkness is in early development stages, please follow the development on Twitter and GameMaker: Forum, as well as here on itch.io.
Developed by BiTrunade, made with GameMaker: Studio.
- Website: https://bitrunade.com/
- Discord: BiTrunade#2059
- Itch.io: https://bitrunade.itch.io/
- GameMaker: Marketplace: https://marketplace.yoyogames.com/publishers/3040/bitrunade
Thank you very much.