This is what happens when i click on the light bulb icon not sure if this is supposed to happen and clicking on the star icons does nothing.
Yes, my apologies for not making it more clear in the changelog! It does seem my chicken leg needs some work, since it looks like a light bulb!
Clicking the "food" icon, the fridge comes out and lets you select from (what will be) a series of food items to restore your maids stamina!
Right now, however... she will only hold the banana. Thank you for taking the time to post, and I'll be seriously reconsidering how I represent food thanks to this!
As for the stars, yes... they are currently placeholders. I've got some updates that should be coming soon!
Ahh! I see what you mean now. I wasn't piecing it together before! That's actually a refrigerator that slides out and opens the door. There was a bug with the lights inside the refrigerator for a little while, and that's what I thought you meant since they're not on in the photo. Does your maid get illuminated when the box appears?
no the maid does not get illuminated, and may i recommend on separating that black bar from the fridge . The black bar i circled in red makes the fridge look a little unappealing , and maybe instead of a big fridge why not a mini fridge on the bottom left corner of her leg i think that would look more appealing but hey i could be wrong its just a suggestion.
I don't see the red circle, do you happen to still have the image saved? I'm a bit concerned that your maid isn't lit by the lights from the fridge either (I can see it from the original screenshot). If you don't mind me asking, what GPU/Graphics Card are you using?
With the food button active (refrigerator out) it should look a bit like this (gray gradient background for contrast):
No offense taken at all! Sadly sometimes Desk Maid has to take a backseat to other projects due to how things go, but she's always along for the ride! ;) Let me take a look at the bug again here. I started yesterday (looking for the red circle) but immediately got interrupted :/
Looking now though! :)