So I posted a declaration to myself (and the world) to actually motivate my ass into doing something around game dev (
So, here's my work in progress so far: (try and ignore the huge watermark)
As you can see, we have a scene, factory, and the ability to add conveyer belts and rotate them - and even a piece of rock to show the flow of items around the conveyer belts.
Having gotten this far, I'm not happy with the look of the factory; the top down 'semi-perspective' look isn't great and I should have just gone isometric from the start. Mercifully, unity does make it quite easy to actually switch from this rectangular grid to an isometric one and have everything work still. Does mean I'll need to redo the tiles but I think its necessary at this point.
The starfield and rotating asteroids do look ok, I think, though I'm wondering if a more pixel art approach to the whole game would be best - maybe the low res look will make it easier to make the factories look busy and dirty without hampering gameplay
At some point I need to add click and drag for laying conveyer belts.
Anyway, onto the goals for next week:
* Switch to isometric for the factory and conveyor belts.
* Have the importing object (representing the supply of materials to the factory) actually spit out items periodically.
-- Relatedly, have queues form from items blocking the conveyor belts.
* Add at least one work station, for example to convert ore into refined metals, and have that exit the station
Stretch goal:
* Add a start screen and menu.