They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease, but until now, that has not been true for Direct Ascent, my vertical endless runner with rockets - an entire cemetery of phones having been created for the people who tried out Direct Ascent on their phones only do discover they turned their phone into an air fryer. For anyone who had that happen to them, oops is all I could say.
UNTIL NOW! Last week, after releasing version 0.6.0, I made the decision to grit my teeth and remove the menace that is GetComponent One week later, and that goal has been successful.
Also, I did some more optimizations (see ya, Resources.Load!), changes (go away, old Unity input system!), bug fixes (Russian computer has fast rocket, American computer has normal rocket) and more!
Version 1.0 is next! Expect a lot more snapshots and progress updates as this update is going to have a lot of content.
Well, enjoy the update, enjoy an upcoming 1.0 roadmap, and make sure to put your feature discussions in the discussion board - it really helps when I'm not the only one deciding features for my game!
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