Hello there everyone!
My name is Lenin and I am a very young solo game developer from Philippines that is afraid to release his game to the world until recently! So anyway, I joined the MyFirstGameJam: Summer2020 and this was the game I submitted. It's called My Best Friend's Birthday (MBFsBday)!
You can check it out here: https://leninm.itch.io/mbfbday
MBFsBday is a short game about making a birthday cupcake and getting some tulips as gifts, and celebrating the birthday of your best friend!
MBFsBday offers you:
- A nice and friendly story
- Simple beginner art
- Great background music and sfx
- A decent amount of freedom (naming, baking, tulip colors)
- A surprise that will actually get ya!
- The feeling of kindness, sadness, and true friendship
- Availability on both Windows and MacOS versions