The open world game 'Eastshade' - it is one of the most beautiful and ambitious indie titles I have ever seen.
The core developer team seems to be - from what I can tell online - essentially just five really dedicated people, who have been building this world for years, the rest of the credits basically is just a ton of voiceover people they brought in to do various characters in the world.
They've made a really peaceful and pretty 3d game world that spans roughly 2 or 3 sq. km in area, but doesn't feel sparse or empty. There are a fair number of interactions, characters, landmarks, etc, spaced nicely all over that. The game has a bit of a crafting aspect as well and manages to be both peaceful and engaging. I don't even know how to categorize it. It isn't a mere walking sim or a conventional adventure game puzzler, more like an unusually colorful Bethesda game in some aspects, but pacifist, no death, no danger, but still definitely fairly fun, and somehow made by a development team about 1/20th the size. - I bought it on Steam during a sale, and I personally felt it was well worth it.
Lyndow entry area:

In the great shade under a giant tree:
The day / night cycle is gorgeous too.
My map, seen recently on the Eastshade Steam guides section:
Basically, this entire game is a great work of art.
It has a few rough edges but basically is still an amazing acheivement given the small studio source.