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Support Question? - How is my restricted game getting downloaded?

A topic by HyenaGames created May 08, 2017 Views: 490 Replies: 3
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So I've uploaded a very very early version of a game i'm making. Barely a prototype at this point. I've put it on Itch.IO so I can share with a few friends, and eventually share/sell more. Way later.

I created a download key and gave it to a couple friends. it has 6 downloads. I also created a password to get to the download link.

My game has had 27 downloads in 3 days. 6 of those from my key, 1 from me. 20 on Saturday... from an unknown source. How did this happen?

Thanks if anyone can help clarify this.

Chris @HyenaGames



Your own downloads will increment the counter, could it be that?

I downloaded the game once or twice, but certainly not 20 times. I don't think it was that. If I can provide any more info, please let me know :)

Of course at this point in my games development it doesn't matter too much. But I do want control over my downloads of course for when the game gets to a marketable status.

I think we figured this out. One of the couple people I had testing the platform was getting an error message when trying to download the game for some reason (I think the update I pushed was still processing).. they clicked the link a bunch of times when getting that error until it worked. I think that upped the download count.