Welcome to the official thread for UnrealAssets! This is a new company that I've been in the works with for around 2 months now; and over the time I have built up lots of assets for this new "project" so that I can provide a good experience for everyone. Check us out > https://unrealassets.shop/
What is UnrealAssets about?
UnrealAssets is a new project that allows game developers, or even aspiring game developers, to get some amazing, A++ standard assets, for their game. If you're starting out, or have been doing this for years, you are always welcome to use our assets. We have spent a long time making these assets and are uploading new ones every month. We hope to build up this library, one day, into the #1 place where you can get ANY high quality assets, at a cheap and affordable price. As of the post date (16/04/2020) we only currently have a few assets to hand as we're still uploading new ones and our FTP is taking its time to upload over 100GB worth of files, but I can assure you that will soon change into 100's of assets for you to browse from.
How much, and what's included?
So, you only have to pay $10/month and you get access to download 10 assets per month. These assets' normal value would come to over $100+ per month, so you're getting a great deal. We would also like to mention that our developers are some of the best you'll ever find and we've got some professional developers that came from the UnrealEngine Marketplace that have decided to change over to our store instead.
Can I see what assets you guys have before I buy?
Most certainly, check out https://unrealassets.shop/ourassets.html and they're all there. If you want a certain asset making, again, make a ticket on our panel.
Got a question that isn't answered? Ask us by logging into our panel (https://unrealassets.shop/panel) and just send a message