In their hunt for their nemesis, detective Wolfstar and his (big, gorgeous) berserking partner, Hyper, appear to have died and gone to a surreal city inhabited by men only. Ruled by demons, the city fittingly takes the name "Paradise". Our heroes' first acquaintance is the "Tax Man", who takes his payment in cash... or sin. And that sets the stage for exploring a world creatively fused together from our own world's myths where men have to bodily indulge in each other to survive (yay!). It features a varied cast of anthro characters, good and bad and somewhere in between.
It's up to Wolfstar and his partner to figure out what the deal is with this mysterious place they've landed in, and find a way to escape it. Moreover, they need to piece together their memory of what happened when they died. Maybe they will discover that it still isn't too late to stop their nemesis from inflicting untold suffering on the world?
The game is in development, so that's all I know for now, but it looks promising!