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Looking for feedback "Gumball in candyland"

A topic by SafeBuckle created Mar 02, 2020 Views: 709 Replies: 12
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Hi there im looking for some feedback for my new game its in its prototype stages and i want to make it as good as i can.

Here is a little description about my game:

Gumball in candyland is a little 2D platformer game where you play as a little gumball trough verious delicious looking different levels.

you cand download the game here.

Hey mate!

Played your game for you.  Here is some feedback

1.  Graphics are pleasing, it was easy to tell what was background and foreground, what was an enemy and in general I appreciated the simplistic style.  So good job!

2.  There was some tearing in the graphics, not sure if this is happening on your end or not.

3.  When you jump off to the left at the start of the level, you fall infinitely.  I had to exit the game and restart.

4.  Sometimes the hit boxes on enemies felt a little harsh.  I didn't think i collided with them, tho this was only minor.

5.  I like the different enemies, but i wished there was more, and that were introduced sooner!   I also think there behavior should be more varied.  Maybe some could shoot or jump.

6.  I would of liked to of kept the double jump power-up going into the next level, would of added to sense of progression.

Anyway mate, I hope this feedback helps you improve the game, keep up the good work! :D

I would really appreciate it if you gave me some feedback on my game as well!

Anyway, have fun! :)

Hey there! 

Thanks you for playing my game and taking the time for the feedback. I will try to fix the things you were talking about. I really appriciate that you took the time and affort to give me this feedback. I hope you will play my game again after the update. It would be nice if you would give me some feedback then again. 

i will give it another go after the update for sure!  Look forward to it.


I played your game and i agree with most of what theSneak had to day. Something that I think will help a lot is some small improvements to your character controller. adding variable jump height  and coyote time would help a lot. there are a ton of tutorials for this. Also i tried to use a controller but was unable to and i think that could be an easy fix in unity. 

Best of luck to you on your game!



Thanks for the feedback! I will surely make some improvements to the character controller and adding conntroller support to the game. I really appriciate the feedback and i hope you could give some feedback again in the next update.

Played through the game again for ya!

I see the visual tearing is gone.  Nice

Also you die if you fall off the level at the start now instead of falling forever, that makes more sense.

I was thinking tho, maybe through out your levels you should have some pitfalls like to the left of the start of each level, it would add a bit more variety to the challenges

I did find a bug for you!

You can stand on top of the candy here.  It also doesn't disappear when you collect it, which I think it did in the previous version, so is this bug?

I still think it would be cool if you kept your double jump power-up from that moment forward, but that is a design choice for you to make.

I did find another area of the game frustrating

This ledge here felt a bit unfair, it almost seemed like I had wait on the previous platform for the 2 enemies to be in the exact right place before moving forward.  I died here a lot more then I felt like I should of and it broke the momentum of the game.

Maybe an easy fix would be to put a small area where I'm standing in the screenshot.

What Scholley was saying about changing up the jump so that you can do variable heights is a good idea for sure, i think it would make the game more fun.

Another thing I was thinking about in early levels, this game might need a way to distinguish its self a little from other platformers.  The graphics help with that for sure, but I would add the double jump mechanic on the second level of the game.   And really work on adding more mechanics each level after that.

There are so many platform games out there so there is a chance that a player would play through the first 2 levels and possibly quit because there is no novel mechanics or systems being shown.  

Keep in mind, I am coming from the perspective that you will want to release a fully fleshed out version of the game and try to make money off of it.  If that isn't the case, you can disregard what I just said.  Its a perfectly playable little game, and I wouldn't want to discourage you!  Good job!  :)

Have a good day! :D

Hey there!

Thanks again for giving some feedback. The candy powerup is definitely bugged at the moment and i will fix it as soon as possible. I’m not sure if i want the player to take the powerup to the next level yet. I will also change the part where the 2 enemies are very close to each other. I wil also be working on the character controller adding a jump height value and maybe wall jumping. I really want to make the game stand out from other platformers in its design and gameplay. I will be working on some new mechanics that are candy based maybe like eating you’re way trough objects.

I Want to thank you once again for you’re support you’re helping me make the game as best as possible. Hopefully you could give more feedback in the future.

Happy to give feedback mate! :)

Also eating your way through is an awesome idea hahaha.

Maybe a visual element should be added to the power ups?  Even if say when you can double jump, your character has long leg or changes color.

It's been fun helping you out, so don't hesitate to ask :)

(1 edit)

Hey there!

I just updated my game and im asking if you could check it out and give some feedback i changed the levels added new enemies and fixed some bugs. Im still looking for ways to add fun mechanics if you have any ideas it would be great to hear.

Played it!

This one is a has a lot of big improvements from last time!  The amount of enemy variance makes the experience a lot more enjoyable.

Also I love that you turn green when you eat the candy.

I have a lot of suggestions for improvements, but that's just because overall there is a lot more to talk about in this version of the  game, don't take it the wrong way, this version is a big step in the right direction in my opinion. :)

So firstly, it is getting hard to tell which is background and foreground, it wasn't noticeable in the last version when you couldn't fall to your death mid level, but now that you can its become a problem.  

Do you see how the darker line in the foreground lines up with the background?  So does the background icing line up with the foreground, it makes it look like its not a hole but a ramp, I could tell once I was looking for it, but it got me the first few times.  Also I think your going to have to have a greater difference between the background and foreground colors now.

Another thing I would like to see is some expression on the enemies, the first green jumping one in particular.  Even just giving it bigger eyes with pupils and maybe some slightly angry brows would work.  Up to you what kind of character you give them, lots of different things could work, a goofy expression may even suit this game better.  Some of the enemies already have this, but the first green bouncing enemy felt like it lacked it in particular.  I would also like some more feedback from the enemies, like a jump sound effect when you are close to them.

The floating platforms are a great idea, but they suffer a little from a problem i had with platforms in my own games.  You know when you walk up to ledge and there is nothing there, and then 3 seconds later a platform slowly creeps from off the screen towards you, and you think "ohh i was meant to be on that".  You might need to rig the platforms so that they are always close to the player when the player gets there.  It isn't a big deal, but waiting feels like your being punished, and you just happened to get there when the platform was on the other side, feels a little annoying and breaks the momentum of the game.

I didn't realize that the double jump candy was actually a triple jump candy!  Cool idea, but I found out by accident, could you tell the player that in some way?  Like maybe a little "3" "2" "1" appear over your head when you jump with the power up, and a different pitch for sound effect of each?  Not sure if that would work well or not, that's just what I came up with off the top of my head.

I thought of some other things while I was playing but i can't remember them all now lol.  That is probably enough for now tho! :)

hey there!

Thanks again for playing my game and giving some feedback. I think its a great idea to give a visual representation of how many jumps you have i will also be looking at the backgrounds. Do you have that problem with all backgrounds or only the one on the image?  and ill be looking at the moving platforms it could be pretty boring to wait so changing the speed or starting direction could fix the problem.

Thanks again for the feedback and hopefully you could give feedback in the next update. :)

The screenshot I used as an example was just the first case where it got me, after that I knew what to look out for.  I'd suggest changing it for all backgrounds.