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99 Floppies on the floor - Demo

A topic by ToulouTouMou created Jan 31, 2020 Views: 243
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99 Floppies on the floor

Take one down and pass it around, 98 floppies on the floor.

99 floppies found half buried in various locations. Each are encrypted and locked with password. Gather clues, solves the enigmas and decrypt all the data in this puzzle game taking place entirely on your file browser !

The demo is available here : It contains the first six floppies.

This year I challenged myself to release a game demo each month. I'm starting this january with this demo, it's simple but I'm quite proud of it. I have plans for a lot of other games, but your feedbacks are important, so I know which demo worth making a full game out of it.

Thanks for playing ! You can follow me on Twitter ( to see what game project I'm on next.