Hey there! I just released my puzzle game Crescendia Gardens a few days ago, which was made for the Lunar New Year Jam:
The game is about strategically placing Tetris-like blocks and objects like plants, crystals or mushrooms that will grow and spread on these blocks. The focus is on planning and optimization, with daily and weekly challenges that encourage players to try again and find even better strategies with each gameplay loop. The game is meant to be like a little relaxing puzzle box that can be picked up easily.
It was heavily inspired by David King's Tiny Islands, but I think I managed to get a unique take on the formula which makes the experience different enough to have it's own identity.
It's not optimized for touch yet (you are not able to turn the blocks without a right mouse button) but I will work on that as soon as the voting for the game jam ends! Please give it a try, it's free and ready for browser-play :)