Hi there!
I just started my new indiegame Dune and Run. It is an open world running game where you have to explore the desert, find places and locations, discover secrets and events, help poor thirsty people for a relaxing and emotional first person experience.
In the final game there will be these features:
- Explore a quite big map open world with various locations for a long time experience
- Relax in a calm an quiet enviroment to regain some energy and reduce stress
- Help poor people who need water. This will make you feel like a good person
- Collect titles for your character from the people you helped to have some rewards for your good actions
Follow my itch account for to be notificated whenever i post news on the game!
----The game is here-----
Finally released! Check it out: https://gelikus.itch.io/dune-and-run
-----Social Media Accounts----
If you want more, you can follow my social accounts:
📹-- Youtube Channel