Looking for 3rd team member for doing game jams and making small games using Godot game Engine. We can make games together or also make your idea into a game as long its a 2D game.
Project Name/s: Not decided.
Role Required: Anyone who can help the jams/game progress. But mainly we need Level designer in Godot with tilemap and a 2D Artist for background/2d world creation.
My Role: Programmer/Designer/Story Writer
My Previous Projects: Made 2 small games in Unity game engine before. You can find them on my Youtube
You can play them @ Itch
Team Size: 2. I do the programming,story and game mechanics design. My friend does the character art and animation
Project Length: 1-4 Months.
Engine: Godot
Responsibilities: Make the background art and having tilemap knowledge in Godot is a plus. Also feel free to contribute on the other aspects of game stuff like story, design, etc.
Project Description: Me and my friend are making small to medium games for mainly game jams. The current game we making is a platformer with a mix of Metroidvania and beat them up.
Please pm me for more info thanks!