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Tax information Error

A topic by Mythra Tech created Nov 24, 2019 Views: 523 Replies: 4
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Hi, i sent dozens of e-mails regarding our company foreign TIN. Our country have a tax agreement and we use TIN so US Tax is %10 for our country. But whenever i try to enter our company TIN to the tax form it gives an error but it is not wrong and we use it in Steam, Epic Store, Apple Store and Google Playstore.. So can you fix this issue please?

Individual Taxpayer Identification Number is for people not business, you need to file Employer Identification Number (EIN) but this can be confusing to people because certain countrys and towns allow people to be a business without paperwork. So here are some simple things i think if you are a real businesses:

- Do you have LLC or country related business paperwork?

If yes, you are a business and must file Employer Identification Number (EIN).

- Do you have a name in the business but the town or country officially does not considers it as a business?

If yes, you do not file Employer Identification Number (EIN), you use Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (US civilians use SSN).

- Do you have paperwork for business for your town/country but rules on international business limit you?

This is confusing, you have the right in your own town/country but you need to do something for international sales. Might need to speak to someone who is more experience.

If you do have a LLC or country related business work, you will need to update all the other publishers otherwise they think you working for as an independent which could be big problems later on.

(1 edit)

If that is true then why every store ask TIN after i choose my corporation as LLC and fill all the indormation about it? Or what should i do to register to Their tax form also asks our company indormation and i fill these too it shouldn’t ask it

You are under the "Do you have paperwork for business for your town/country but rules on international business limit you" since i am assuming something is blocking your number. This only gets more confusing with a business added im just assuming you do have a legal LLC. I looked at your website (to get better understanding and such) and you do need to file EIN. The IRS requires companys to file EIN if you have employees, which you do by the looks of your website.

I recommend you find someone experience with this, i only know sole proprietorship.

As to why other platform might accepted, they think you the person not the company is doing business. It is often confused to you being a sole proprietorship when sometimes someone has a company.

non the less the number i gave is our registered corporation’s tax identification number. If i ever find the place to write it down for to set tax to %10 thanks to the agreement made in 1996 between our countries, that would be great!

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