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Thanks mr. archer

A topic by cogitoergosum815 created Jan 13, 2017 Views: 225 Replies: 4
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so I was in a bronze level with arrow block 3, and an archer fired an arrow at me, killing a robot on the way. when I deflected the arrow, it killed two more robots. and, while I hesitate to say this: beat that (arrows only) I'm gonna get rekt so hard xP

(Commentatron) MK1 "Archer" Combat Archer! Come right here! You shall be brought to a... personal... meeting with the Emperor

(Analysis-Bot) too late. it has already been killed by the human.

(Commentatron) It deserved it, that was a traitor, now, it's advertisement time on the arena, buy the O-il soda, the best soda for robots!

(Analysis-Bot) Indeed!