Hello everybody!
I can't believe this game that I created entirely on live streams is getting released! It was an awesome journey where I learned and taught a lot. I hope the development process was useful to you and hopefully you will enjoy the final result as well! :D
The game will be released here on Itch.io (along with all the source code!) and on Steam as well!
Here is the Itch game game: https://danzaidan.itch.io/break-arcade-games-out
Here is the Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1145020/Break_Arcade_Games_Out
I would love to get your feedback on the game to get it 100% before releasing it!
You can download for free on the Itch.io page!
Check out the trailer to see all the features we managed to add on the live streams:
About the game:
What if Breakout was the only arcade game people could make?
Modern take on an older game
Enjoy the classic arcade game Breakout with vibrant colors, modern but nostalgic music, tight controls, screenshakes, crazy animations and lots of particles.
Break Arcade Games Out
Play several other arcade games as if they all had to be based on Breakout! Experience gameplay surprises and changes based on each arcade game.
Open Source Development
This game was created during live streams, so you can watch the whole development process, from scratch! You can also download the Source code and play around with it! The game and its engine were written using the C language.
Key features
-Familiar gameplay applied to crazy situations
-Different arcade games give a nice variety to the base Breakout gameplay
-Special dedication on the game's feel: nice movement, animation, particles, colors, sounds and more!
-Open source code! Download the game's code to learn, play around and make your own games!
-Watch the entire development! The whole game was developed during live streams, so you can watch all the decisions, thoughts, doubts and progress!
If you want to see how the game was developed (from the very beginning!) you can watch it all on Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7Ej6SUky1357r-Lqf_nogZWHssXP-hvH
If you just want to see the best moments, check out the Highlights from the first episode!
I really hope you enjoy it!
I had a blast making the game live! :D
Dan Zaidan