Supaplex 3D is now in early access! A remake of the popular Dos game Supaplex from 1991.
For those who don't know this game, it used to be a popular Dos game that was developed in 1991. It was a difficult but rewarding game. Many levels require you to think thoroughly before making any move.
The main character is called Murphy, he is the red blob-like character. His goal is to reach the exit of each level, in order to do this he must collect enough infotrons (atom like objects). However, in order to collect these objects you have to puzzle your way though levels where you have to think before you act. Making it a difficult but rewarding experience.
This version contains all original 111 levels and attempts to have all the features of the original game. But also tries to improve upon it.
It also contains a build-in level editor that allows you to create and share levels with friends!