we made the cover art
now lets take a break then make the final game icon
can you please stop attacking me. i didn't break any rules i never advertise in devlog
you just want to take down the game so?
you can just leave me alone but you didn't have to take my post down for a false reason a rule i didn't break
if your not trying to attack me! then im telling you that i didn't break any rules any you may read the posts wrong
thanks and hope you reply with a good conclusion
You have opened 6 topics here, each consisting of no more than two sentences. Please understand that opening up a plethora of topics in such a small frame of time is not allowed. If you want to post devlogs, do so explicitly within the same topic (by replying to it with updates of the development).
I apologize if I came across as aggressive, but I'm not attacking you nor your game. It's just that it's not fair towards other members of the community.