Lyssophobia [ lis-uh-foh-bee-uh ]
- noun (Psychiatry):
1. A pathological fear of going insane.
Lyssophobia is a psychological horror game where you will:
- experience a constant sense of ominous foreshadowing;
- know things without even knowing that you already knew them;
- play a game to play the game inside the game;
- recover the memories of your deeds;
- understand what going insane without losing your mind is like... and be terrified by the mere thought of it.
This game is a physical manifestation of a horrifying and disturbing story revolving around the darkest meanders of the human psyche.
The screenshots on the game's page have carefully been chosen to contain as less spoilers as possible.
A lot of twists and 4th wall breaking "special features" have to be experienced first-hand to be fully appreciated and enjoyed.
The less you know the better.