Hi there!
Online game theft is a common occurrence as I'm sure you all know and itch.io's html5 embed code makes it easier than ever for people to simply copy-paste the iframe that points to https://v6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net/html/.../index.html and presto! They've stolen your game.
Unfortunately due to same-origin policy it's not possible to determine where your iframe is embedded in from the app itself so until the itch team perhaps restricts hotlinking this sort of exploit is just possible. I've seen several sites already that simply scrape itch and embed links to itch.io html5 index pages, essentially utilizing itch's webhosting and bandwidth to drive traffic to their own (ad-supported) sites. Sad times!
As devs we can change the urls at which our builds are hosted by uploading new builds, which leads to a new path under https://v6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net, but unfortunately right now the older builds are still available so the offending sites' embed code still works.
Is there any functionality available to REMOVE an old build from the https://v6p9d9t4.ssl.hwcdn.net hosting service? I understand that DRM and site-locking is inherently not a trivial problem but I would imagine that this basic step of deleting the old hosted builds should be doable.