Combat Jr is the multiplayer versus portion of our action RPG The Moon Fields x Combat Jr. While TMF is inspired heavily by the original Zelda, CJr is inspired by faster paced games like Hotline Miami and Bomberman. We hope to mirror all the items in TMF in CJr and vice versa, so we built Combat Jr to be the testing grounds for it.
As of November 8th, we have 22 items and 8 armors implemented and most fully functional gameplay systems are in place. At the end of development we expect something along the lines of 80 items and 20 armors. Right now we are looking for feedback, let's plays, or even just a few sentences of what sticks out and is the funnest portion of the game for people that aren't us and our close friends.
If you have a few gamepads lying around (PS4, XBox 360, most dual analog PC controllers), please check out our game and drop a few words for us here or on our page's forums. We will periodically open up the following key if we feel as though we need more feedback.
Our roadmap is as such:
- Tweak major gameplay systems (e.g. shield stun)
- Add Match scoring
- Single player demo
- More items
- Pebbles
- Chain Claw
- Triple Fire Crossbow
- Shields with attacks
- More Area control
- Implement a magic system