I have a separate account for personal projects and I'd like to perform a single payout for both accounts. This account is listed as a project admin for the other's projects.
The tax information would be the same, so the second tax identity fee plus extra PayPal fees for the additional payments would be wasted (from my perspective). The personal account has a single "$0 or donate" project on it and may or may not break $5 in a year. If it does not, the amount will start to go toward itch.io's maintenance fee.
Perhaps a way to designate an admin as "able to initiate payout" on the admin screen? I can see how this might actually be useful for dev teams: One account for the team and members' personal accounts set as admins, the member in charge of finances can initiate payouts while others are able to see the payment information as they can now.
Another thought: maybe change the "admins" page into a "team" page where one can add members with a check box for admin, another for financial officer. If admin is not set, the member can view the project information, but not edit.
I emailed itch.io support about this on Jan 31, Feb 14th, and Mar 19th with no response.