Just released the Demo today! Play in-browser at https://loubagel.itch.io/dave-man
Dave-Man is a game by Lou Bagel with music by Scowsh. You play as Dave who desperately needs his coffee before interacting with any co-workers. With Pac-Man inspired gameplay you must collect all the coffee beans and make it to the coffee maker without getting caught by the office “Chatty Cathy”. Your success in this mission will affect your mood and productivity during the day which will determine your paycheck. Take your money home and do some online shopping however you please...but don’t neglect the missus!
Also launched a small Kickstarter today! You can get the game for $1 but can also get other cool rewards like being in the game as a character!
Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/294143625/dave-man-get-dave-his-coffee?ref=itchpost