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Default X alignment breaking choices

A topic by chriscote created Nov 16, 2024 Views: 68 Replies: 3
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For some reason, the default choice window X alignment for the entire plugin is set to "left", but the default RPG Maker alignment is set to "center" and this new X alignment seems to be overriding the default "show choice" commands even when the plugin command isn't run first. 

This means that now that I have added it to my project, all choice boxes that do not use the plugin command before running the "show choices" command (ie. all choices I set up in my project before adding this plugin) are now offset into a weird position off to the right side of the screen. I have to add the plugin command before all of my old choices just to change the X offset to "center" again just to make my choices appear as they did before adding the plugin, even for those that I wasn't planning to modify using the plugin command. 

I'm hoping that the default choice box position X alignment can be changed to "center" instead of "left", or a plugin parameter which globally changes the default can be added, as I really don't want to have to go through my whole project and update every existing choice just to fix them. 

Aside from that, this plugin is amazing and has all the functionality that I need, but breaking all of my vanilla choices that I've already set up would be a deal breaker for sure.


Hi there!

I never saw this problem happening before. 

If I understood you right, my plugin is ignoring the alignment set on the event command, and only accepting alignment changes by using the plugin command. And that is making all alignment set to "left", despite the event command set them to center. Right?

If this is the problem, is an easy fix. But I may only be able to fix this later this week. But please, answer me these two questions below:

1 - Are you using any other plugin that is messing with the choices or message window? If yes, could you tell me what they are?

2 - Can you also confirm to me that this behavior persist on my sample project?

(2 edits)

Thanks for the response - it likely is a conflict with another plugin as I am running a ton of them. I have actually just decided to go through and set some templates to all of my existing choices, as it gives me more flexibility in the long run anyways. If I get around to finding the conflict I will let you know, but this should work for now.

On another note though:

I was previously using your Choice Pictures plugin before upgrading to this, and I was able to set the exact X/Y location on the screen for the pictures using game variables.  Now that I'm using this plugin, I am setting background images for my choices instead of showing pictures (so I can keep them mouse-clickable). This has been great, but the "position" settings for the choice window itself seem to only accept number values to move the choice window relative to a screen origin position (or message window origin). 

I'd like to show the choice box at a position relative to the player sprite on screen. I was doing this with the other plugin by referencing a variable via script call in the X and Y settings, but this seems to not do anything when entering a variable as an X Y value for the choice window position. 

My game has some complicated math for getting the exact player sprite X/Y position on the screen due to some zoom plugins I am using, but the way I was doing it before was to run the math to get the X/Y values into variables, and then I used those variables to set exact X and Y screen locations to show the images for the choices.  I am hoping to do something similar for the choice window position.

Is there something I am missing? I can enter numbers relative to the origin location of the choice window to nudge it around by, say 200 pixels, but entering a game variable seems to just register as 0 (entered as "$gameVariables.value(979) - 150", which is the same as I had set it in the Choice Pictures plugin to get the right screen location to show pictures). 



Hi there!

You should be able to use formulas or game variables to set the choice window position with this plugin too. You can insert them on the Initial/Target Offset X/Y.  Just remember to set the alignment to Left and Top,  and the window position will be relative to the Offsets values only.