Hello everyone!
While I enjoy going to events Like GDC to meet other developers and talk about projects, I can't make it this year since I now live in Illinois, rather than a simple 2 hour bus ride away from SF. But I've also got an important project I've been working on that's available for Early Access right now and will be fully released later this year. It also has a free demo of the first world of the game.
'I Have Low Stats But My Class Is "Leader", So I Recruited Everyone I Know To Fight The Dark Lord' is a comedy RPG where you play as 99 characters at once. While it largely parodies the sort of things you find in traditional RPGs, a lot of the focus is how the cast of characters interact with one another and how that reflects in some of the game mechanics. I was recently on a podcast where I talked about some of the design and writing decisions.
I also made a talk for #notGDC about how to survive as an indie dev if that's something of interest. As a heads up, both the podcast and talk are fairly long, but there's not much to watch on either so you can just listen to them.
If you're interested in weirder projects that aren't technically games, I have some projects such as a WIP tabletop/email system where you don't roll to do things; you submit forms and paperwork. If you want to rent equipment from the guild to use on a quest, you need to file a Guild Rental Agreement. Something happens on the quest? GM (Guild Master) gives you an Incident Report you need to deal with. Get injured? File an Insurance Claim. I also make things for games that don't exist, such as this soundtrack for a fake retro cyberpunk game and this series of FAQs for a non-existent MMORPG.
Thank you for reading and checking this stuff out, and hope everyone has a good week, regardless of proximity to GDC!