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XML Feed for web games only and free games ?

A topic by redvivi created Jan 23, 2019 Views: 321 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 2


Is there a XML feed that has free (or with pricing included) and web games only ? 



Yes. You simply filter to free web games as usual, and add .xml to the end of the link:

Now if you want games that are free OR web-based, that's another story. You'll probably have to plug the two feeds into an external service and combine them.

(1 edit)

Oh thanks I didn't understand this way of generating a feed.

Is there a way this feed to provide better resolution screenshots and the long description (on the web page) ?

It seems that the meta-data are quite light compared to what is available :-)


Yeah, the feeds are a bit hidden. And I think that's all the information they give for now. I could pass along a request for enhancements if you like.

It would be appreciated, yes please. Can you please go back to me with the associated timeline?


I'm afraid a timeline wouldn't be possible. There are always many requests and little time. But I'll make sure your suggestion is seen.