RPG Maker Themed Game Jam #4
31st of May - 9th of July
Are you just starting out with RPG Maker or are you already familiar with the engine? Do you have trouble finishing your games? Is your project folder full of unfinished games? Do you wish to finally finish a project? Are you looking for a game jam to motivate you to finally finish something? Then this one is for you! Hopefully, at the end of the game jam you will have something playable you can be proud of!
Theme: Academy of Magic
Bonus Challenges: Unlike the Theme, these are entirely optional. Feel free to do one, two, all of them or ignore them completely.
For this game jam, the optional challenges are the following three:
1 - Student or Teacher: The protagonist is either a student or a teacher at an academy of magic.
2 - Timetable: Each in-game day is split into several parts during which the player is able to attend certain events or perform set activities, such as attending or teaching classes, studying, going shopping, meeting with friends and allies etc.
3 - Dorm Room: The protagonist has some kind of dwelling that the player can customize.