I started playing around with Unity some time ago and I decided to make a full game. I focused on making something based on the Bomberman formula, which seemed easy enough to wrap my head around - plant bombs, destroy enemies, collect the key, and find the portal to move on to the next level.
I started by getting some random assets to focus on gameplay first and coded most of the game mechanics. However, adding better pixel art assets with animations, as well as adding sounds and improving the UI really made the game click. I understand that it's rather a barebones experience but my strengths lie in coding and logic rather than art and the visual side of gamedev. I will try to improve as much as possible, though.
If you have any ideas how to make the game better, if you would like to see something added, if there are bugs (for sure there are ;) ), please let me know so that I can improve the game as well as my skills.