Please leave any feedback here!
Obviously it's pretty rough, but it's a great place to start. I really like the sort of hand-drawn animated look that you gave everything. I think it works well with the simple gameplay and presentation.
I think it'd really help the game feel faster/more-tense if there were also clouds going by or something like that to help you see how quick you're going. The solid blue background feels like you're staying still. It'd also be good to have some sort of scoring mechanic, as it is right now, there's no way to tell if you've done better or worse than previous runs.
That being said, keep up the good work, and hit me up when you release your next title, I'd love to play it.
Well I mean for a first game, it's really cool! The gameplay is really simple, but for a first game that's to be expected. You should be very proud of this, it's really cool. I really did like that starting animation right before the guy jumps out the plane. Well done dude, this is a great start. :)