Long story-short. A friend manage to get me to try curseforge and install a modpack on Minecraft called Dawncraft. Instantly loved it but somethings I didn't like and wanted to change. Tried making mods to add to the asset pack and that's when I had my first issue. Making mods is easy, making the mod work in a modpack that's already 250+ mods makes things unstable. Not wanting to do that I chose the more difficult route of making a project similar to that myself.
Engine of choice is Godot because understanding gdscript is easier for smooth brain people like me. Visuals are also dummy simple and with ~10 years with blender I can handle anything visually. Biggest weakness is Animation and Code. Animation I'm picking up fast and I dont need to worry about PERFECT ANIMATIONS for now.
Core Loop is pretty simple: Explore-Build-Craft-Combat. I don't care for a story right now as gameplay and core mechanics will be a primary focus. Main inspiration being Minecraft, Valhiem, Elden Ring, and Monster Hunter.
I have experience working with a dev team so I have an understanding how organize, set deadline, and communication. This will be a place that I just want to come back to show some eventual progress in the next 3 days or less.
The project doesn't have a official name but at this moment its just being called Vythoria, or Project V.
I look forward to updating