Hi there! I am a aspiring indie dev, looking to make his ideal game.
Work on the project has already began (concept art, plot, gameplay, etc) and I would like help with spriting. For the overworld, we are working with a 96 x 48 sprite ratio, and I would like it to have an art style similar to Cave Story, but for battle artwork we are still undecided.
Right now, there will be no payment.
Anyway, what’s the game about? The game is about a boy called Blake, whose brother was abducted by aliens. A few years after the event, he sees the aliens again, and goes on a search for closure for his brother’s disappearance.
Well, anyone interested in working with me on this RPG, please comment below!
Ps - Development for the project is currently being conducted on Discord, and I will give you the link to the server if you are interested.