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House of Maids

A topic by DarkCube created Dec 14, 2018 Views: 3,130
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House of Maids is the visual novel, it tells a story about a young glamor photographer who appears on an isolated island for a photo shoot with a smoking hot model but instead discovers a secret private mansion inhabited by amazing maids and kinky servants. And that's how an exciting player's adventure begins!

Game  features:

  • visual novel gameplay; 
  • high-quality 2D art;
  • interactive animated sexy characters;
  • dynamic music and sound effects;
  • animated backgrounds and special effects;
  • multiple choices with different outcomes;
  • unlockable CG artworks;
  • secret scene and CG

The game has an erotic story at its core, with many sexy characters to interact and romance with, as well as a variety of popular mainstream fetishes to enjoy!

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