I noticed an inconsistency between Grid and List (column) view for collections:
- Grid shows the most options with add/edit blurb and remove
- List has the fewer options with just add/edit blurb
- both miss the reorder buttons, which are only available in the Library view (https://itch.io/my-collections)
It would be more consistent to give all the commands (add/edit blurb, reorder, remove) from all views.
Grid view widget (removed pictures to make image smaller):
(the text buttons in French mean “Add comment”, “Edit comment” and “Remove…”
Same on List view:
(these ones are translated - may be worth making localization uniform since the buttons are supposed to say the same thing! It would be more correct to use “blurb” everywhere which could be translated as “résumé” in French, rather than “comment” - although admittedly “comment” makes sense when commenting on someone else’s game, while blurb is good to introduce your own game)
Library/All collections view: