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Can't download certain games on browser or app

A topic by Acheiropoieton created Feb 14, 2024 Views: 316 Replies: 4
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I noticed this problem with the following software: and . I tried this on Firefox. When I hit download, nothing happens. I tried enabling popups, disabling all my adblockers, even changing my DNS settings. None of these worked. I even tried installing Brave Browser and attempting the same thing, and it gave me the "thanks for downloading" popup, but the download didn't actually start. I also tried enabling "alternate download mode" and that didn't start the download either, although curiously it prevented the "thanks for downloading" popup from showing up on Brave.

I also tried downloading both of these software from the Itch app. It gave the following error: "htfs.Open (initial request): in conn.Connect, non-retriable error: in conn.tryConnect, got HTTP non-2XX: HTTP 403: <?xml version="1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?><Error><Code>SignatureDoesNotMatch</Code><Message>The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your secret access key and signing method.</Message></Error>"

Anyone have any idea what's causing these problems? I've downloaded other software on both the browser and the app without any issue, just these two in particular that haven't worked.


Maybe this is a coincidence, but both pages have links to sites that do not work properly. One does not exist anymore and the other is linked via http instead of https.

It's definitely a possibility

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm getting this error while using the app to download on

It doesn't work on browser either. Did you ever get it working?

Just checked and I'm getting that error too. Also noticed that the bandcamp link on that page is an http link too. Looks like this might be where the problem comes from.

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