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Game was uploaded/publish page created by 3 minutures before deadline, but i don't see my game at submission feed.

A topic by Hillarien created Nov 30, 2018 Views: 323 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 5 I know that not enough screenshots/etc yet, had to work 20 hours streight to deadline to somewhat finish it at time and upload was 100% complete before deadline, yet i don't see my game in list. Any help please?

me also

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after i uploaded mine i had to then go back to the submission page and choose it from a drop down list *shrug*

Edit: to elaborate , i chose submit , created the page , uploaded , then went back to submissions and had to choose the page i created

Wow wow wow.. I had no idea we had to do that? Uploading through form on contest should have been enough, cmon guys :(

(1 edit)

Yep, you had to manually add your game. I forgot to put out a PSA because I had a sudden last minute notice that my scripter was having us change engines and had to spend my time porting the game to the new engine. (We lost like 90% of the game in the port too).