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Save your best friends from the spell wonderlands within the book! · By Daniel Santos

Development post I - Slow Rush Sticky

A topic by Daniel Santos created Dec 14, 2023 Views: 42
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I'm Daniel Santos and I'm the solo developer of this game, I've joined a Game Jam back in late August during an exam and went into full rush development in somewhere in mid September. I've previously done a post with a prototype showcase of the game in the Jam's Community post, you can access here.

I felt relieved that I was able to demonstrate my game (with no demo game yet) there and I felt even more relieved to discover that the jam's host extended the time to next year! Due to that change, I'm returning to the concept process to form better design details to my PS2 game with a far clear mind to work.

Concept Arts in Paper Form

Anyway, November was a busy month as I expected to be, and despite the Christmas break starting at the 2nd 3rd week of this month, I think I'll be even busier until I finish the semester well.. BUT as I've mention before, I've also been busy doing proper concepts for my game, mainly character game designs that sticks out in my head more often, like the enchanted book character that acts as the main menu, the pause menu, a character select and a plot point! (I am extremely ambitious, as you can tell)

Concept Arts in Digital Form

I apologize if this doesn't seem convincing enough, however these are the return to the beginning parts of a process to make my game well and proper like a professional game studio. Luckily, I'm planning to set up goals that would help the development of game a bit further, I can't detail them fully but I can list a few:

  • Learning and Understanding how to program JavaScript for the current game engine
  • Finishing the Game Design Document and concepts before the end of the year or before early February
  • Take advantage of one of the classes to make small lift to the progress of the game

I'll keep you all updated here and I'll try to be more pro-active here and in other places, I got a new Twitter/X, so I can post something while I'm working on this project! (I did have an account before, but I didn't use it that much)

Thanks for reading and I hope to notify notify you soon!

 - Daniel Santos