I regret to inform that I have not been working on this project for months, this year has been a complete mental turnover that made me not work on this project anymore and after a year later, I am nowhere near HALF of the things I wanted to have for this game.
I have been falling down in terms of motivation and confidence for my projects, either personal or professional, especially on top of my 3rd year of my uni course. On top of that, I switched computers and have not been able to make time to transition project files and looking at the timeframe that I had, because of my tendency to make everything from scratch (literally), I realized that it is not enough and this project has been suffered by my lack of motivation and my incompentence and due to that, I do believe like I have failed on what I wanted and was supposed to deliver.
As of now, I am currently working on small selected projects a few at a time that I feel competent or is doable to work on with my capabilities, but the project I had currently is not one of them, thus making it cancelled or shelved for a future time better than here. With that being said, I replaced the project with a project from a 7-day Jam that was running on top of the PS2 Jam, while of not being a 'game', it serves as an example of what the project would look like with most of the visual capabilities on the same engine. It is better to give something to show instead of showing nothing at all, as I like to say in times like these...
Again, I have not/no longer working on this jam's project, and I'm terribly sorry that I have made anyone wait for this game for a full year to come to fruition. I am planning on being in the 2024 PS2 Jam with a better mindset and time management on what I can do and hopefully not disappoint this time than I have now.
- Daniel Santos