New Game out now!
Hello everyone. I am happy to announce that I just released my latest game on!
Dicy Chess
Its a multiplayer game where you play chess but every time its your turn you roll a dice to determine the amount of cells you are allowed to move. You can play online or over your local network. Creators Day
The game will be available for free during the currently running " Black Friday Creator Days 2023". After its over it will cost 1€.
Android Version
For those who miss the sale and don't wannt to spend money on the game (or if you just prefer mobile gaming) there will be a free android version following soon. It will have all the functionality of the desktop version but with ads.
Patreon Access
People who support me on Patreon for just 1.25€ get the game for free even after the sale ended as well their name in the credits of all games that I create or update during their membership and from time to time even some playtest builds or screenshots of my newest WIP Projects! (Note that you have to link your itch io account with Patreon to be able to get the game for free)