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Viking Vanguard [Working Title] - Dev Log

A topic by nightspade created Nov 07, 2018 Views: 446 Replies: 16
Viewing posts 1 to 16

Hello all,

Nice to meet you! This is going to be our dev log entry for our game, Viking Vanguard. 

Looking forward for your comments & feedback!

Day 1 

  • Downloading assets from our stash
  • Setting up the environment
  • Envision core game mechanic

This actually should be entered before Day 1, but here we go :

Game Background

So we have bought a humble bundle pack few weeks ago, and we decided to create a game using it. Why just letting them rot in the stash? Why don't we use it? So we decided to create one using those bought assets

Game Idea

We stumbled upon a game titled Inkhart (Google Play), a defense game where you need to protect your wall from incoming waves of enemies, and you can buy and upgrade your wall defenses and stuff. A simple game yet interesting to play (by the way, this game has a very unique artstyle, check it out!)

That game gave us idea to create a defense type of game, where the basic is still the same, defense your wall from incoming enemies, but add various features & mechanic, which is you can select which unit to bring into battle, each unit may affect each other's stats, various type of attacks, combining units in addition to upgrading them, and various other mechanics.

So we create this game : Viking Vanguard (working title)


Creating a game within about a month is actually a good challenge, we would like to see if we could finish what we envision this game would be.

Day 1 

Forgot to add this on the first day!

Day 2

Managed to set up a character, and the character would shoot the incoming enemies. Still using a simple model, just to make sure the shooting is done correctly. Also managed to make the enemy hit the wall so it got damaged.

Watch the video here :

Day 3

Tweaking on the viewport, spending so much time to get the "click" on camera angle. We would like the player to be able to see various things, but also want to let them see the details as well. Also tried to get more than one shooter (what kind of defense game that only has one shooter, right?)

Oh yea, we also tried silly things like adding portal (as you can see on the screenshot). Still trying to decide whether things we put are too much or too little.

We had quite in depth discussion among us as well on the detail of the meta game, what kind of features (other than defense mechanic) we should really put into the game.

Check out the video here :

Day 4

Added basic UI to simplify testing process. Basically just click on play, and then wave of enemies started to come. And when you are done, the UI shows again. Also optimize the enemy movement, making sure the pathfinding is not obstructed by the environment. 

We put 4 towers as well to be utilized later in the game. They will serve as various type of support in battle.

As always, check out the video here :


Day 5

Finally able to get all 6 type of units in action! Each of them has different playstyle, and that is exactly the challenge for the player! What unit would you choose for the incoming wave? Should I choose various type of unit, or should I concentrate on bringing one? Which one should I upgrade first?

Video here :

Nice! Your project looks great so far, keep up the good work!


Thank you very much!

Day 6

We asked for feedback on the animation and unit attacks from our friends, and they said it need tweaks. So we spend the day to reconfigure the attack logic and animations. Apparently it took longer than expected, but the outcome is better than expected as well! Each of the unit type has their own projectile color, so player will be able to distinguish who did what and not just rumbled effects everywhere.

We have 6 units : Archer, Mage, Crossbow, Bomber, Javelin, and Axe Throw. This is the base type units. The rest will be derived from these.

Here is the footage :

Day 7

Unfortunately, today we did not manage to do much, only camera movement between UI to show player on the changes he made on the unit & hero line up. Most time were spent on imagining how the UI should be. Originally we wanted today for units are changeable by using the UI, but it seems it would be done by early next week. Wish us luck!

Those who wanted to see the camera works, here you go :

Day 8

We have managed to start working on the data and linking the UI with them. Lineup units are now linked from the actual data, not dummy anymore. Also we created drag and drop system for the unit, even though the changes is not applied yet.

Day 9

We finally managed to link the UI and the unit lineup. Now we can choose who will we bring to the battle. Also we add some visual effects whenever a unit is summoned.

Check out the vids :

Day 10

Thinking quite hard on how to design the UI components for the game! This is what we came up with today. It is still very rough one, but it should have all possible component already. Our artist will work on it later.

And no video today, sorry m(._.)m

Day 11

Apparently the UI and linking it to the data is one of the tiring part. But we managed to setup how the unit can be upgraded by combining it with other unit, and also by using the coins gained from the game as well

Here's the UI in action : 

Day 12

Managed to setup a working UI for training & enhancing units. Added effect as well on completing the process.