For games that can be played on web pages, 'user_tools' sometimes obscures the game iframe. The obscured content may be important to player.
It is bad css design for web games, yes.
user tools is the name for the buttons to go to creator and follow and all that in the upper right corner, for those who do not know.
I know following remedies.
As a publisher, put a banner above your webgame.
As a user
zoom closer in the browser, the user tools will become a part of the top row stuff
if the tools do not scroll with the page, zoom closer as well
go fullscreen in the game
use custom css (that should fix them above the game area, no matter your zoom)
@-moz-document domain("") { .user_tools { position: static; } }
The thingy reacts to screen width. This is why changing resolution or zoom level in browser changes how the thingy looks or where it is.