ACT1 and 2 finally completely playable (I hope!) so get in there and give me some feedback. This is going to be a big game and I need help with figuring out the best way to improve the combat-system and everything else! Give it a download and a couple of minutes to see if it catches your interest. I am working on making a browserdemo which will basically be just one scene from the game since its getting to damn big.
You are James Winter, a stranger looking for his old girlfriend Velouria. As you journey through the memories of others you will get to know a daughter and father trapped in a cycle of violence, and perhaps help them resolve some of their feelings towards one another.
However... the actions and personality of Mr. Winter are not set in stone, and there is another way forward, one steeped in more misery and darkness than what life already have had in store for our poor family.
Warning: this project contains imagery and themes which may or may not be disturbing. If you think something would fit on a list of triggers, its probably in the game or will be in future chapters. Do not worry though, a "happy" ending should be possible.
DEMO2 IS OUT: This is a big one and contains the entirety of ACT1 and ACT2. The demo has an ending, preparing for ACT3. Demo contains about 2 hours of gameplay, but you can do a speedrun in about 45 min.